Feature Stories, Magazine Writing, Sample Work

The Essentials: Things to Have on Hand for a Natural Disaster

Natural Disasters can bring out both the best and the worst in people, but you can reduce the panic and anxiety of adverse weather conditions by being prepared with tools and resources that can secure your safety. Balancing safety with being human is key, says Scot Conway, leadership trainer at Guardian Quest Martial Arts in Spring Valley, Calif. “Disaster preparedness includes getting back to your life and work as quickly as possible after the disaster,” he says. Protect and prepare your home and your family by having the essentials on hand.

Feature Stories, Magazine Writing, Sample Work

The Essentials: First Aid Kit Must-Haves

Whether you are nurturing skinned knees and scraped elbows in the backyard or wrapping up a sprained ankle on the side of the road, having medical and first aid materials is essential both at home and on the go. Accidents of any kind are bound to happen, and preparation is crucial to ensure the safety of your family. Packing a first aid kit to have on hand doesn’t have to break the bank or take up a lot of room in your vehicle or mudroom. In fact, just by gathering the essentials, you're preparing yourself to better cope with unexpected injuries.